The safety of our guests, employees and our family are always our priority. To ensure everyone’s safety as we welcome you all to the farm for our 2021 season, we are asking that we make the following promises to each other:

As an Agritourism destination, we promise to:

  • Conduct safe sanitation procedures and use safe, healthy hygiene practices
  • Provide proper sanitizing materials for cleaning common use surfaces and high touch surfaces as often as possible
  • Make Hand sanitizing stations and hand washing sinks available to all guests and employees
  • Train our employees on procedures related to COVID-19 to ensure safety of themselves and our guests
  • Ask our employees to wear masks when their job requires it, example inside any building, cashiers and anyone working directly with guests.
  • Employees coming to the farm will go through a proper health screening to ensure their wellness prior to each shift

As a guest of our farm, you promise to:

  • Keep your fellow guests and our employees safe by staying home if you have been exposed to COVID-19 recently or have symptoms of COVID-19 (including a fever, cough, or shortness of breath) please visit us when you are feeling well
  • Follow social distancing guidelines set forth by California Public Health and the CDC and indicated by signage provided around the farm
  • Sanitize or wash your hands when passing by a sanitizing station or hand washing sink
  • Wear face masks when your ability to social distance is compromised or you enter one of our indoor buildings

For our 2020 season, we have implemented the following:

  • Employee Training
    All of employees have received a COVID-19 handbook and training regarding symptoms, at home health screening, sanitation procedures and more.
  • Employee Health Screening
    When arriving to the farm for a shift, employees will have their temperature checked and asked health screening questions to be sure they are healthy and ready to start their shift.
  • Clean Team
    We have a team of employees dedicated to sanitation. In addition to the cleaning procedures each department goes through, this team will rotate around the farm going through a sanitizing check list.
  • Additional Hand Sanitization Stations
    We have more hand washing sinks, kid-height friendly! We also added several hand sanitizing stations.
  • Social Distance Queues and Signage
    Social distancing queues have been set-up with signage to remind guests of 6-foot spacing.
  • Indoor Capacity Limitation
    When visiting our indoor retail locations, we will limit capacity to ensure our guests ability to social distance while browsing and shopping in the stores. We will also encourage one-way traffic through the stores.
  • Mask Free Areas
    Areas like the pumpkin fields, and Corn Maze will not require masks as there is plenty of space to social distance. But when indoors, or in areas where it is difficult to social distance (like on a ride, in the petting zoo, or while in line) please wear your mask.